Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Chapter 11 Study Guide

Early Medieval Europe

Early Medieval
      Chi-rho-iota page from the Book of Kells, late 8th or early 9th century
      Saint Matthew from the Lindisfarne Gospels, c. 698-721
      High Cross of Muiredach, 923
      Equestrian statuette of a Carolingian ruler, 9th century
      Saint Matthew from the Coronation Gospels, c. 800-810
      Saint Matthew from the Ebbo Gospels, c. 816-835
      Hildesheim Doors, 1015

1. What was the only major institution to survive the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
2. The term ‘Insular’ encompasses the art of what region?
3. Who are the four evangelists and what are their symbols?
4. How did Charlemagne turn his court at Aachen into a major centre of culture and learning?
5. What does Charlemagne’s ‘Renovatio’ (Renewal) refer to? What was being renewed?

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