Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Chapter 3 Study Guide

Egyptian Art

Predynastic/Early Dynastic
      Palette of King Narmer, c. 3000-2920 BCE
      Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid of Djoser, c. 2630-2611 BCE
Old Kingdom
      Great Pyramids of Gizeh, c. 2551-2472 BCE
      Khafre Enthroned, c. 2520-2494 BCE
Middle Kingdom
      Fragmentary Head of Senusret III, c. 1860 BCE
New Kingdom
      Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, c. 1473-1458 BCE
      Senmut with Princess Nefrura, c. 1470-1460 BCE
      Nebamun Hunting Fowl, c. 1400-1350 BCE
      Akhenaton, c. 1353-1335 BCE
      Thutmose, Nefertiti, c. 1353-1335 BCE
      Family of Akhenaten, c. 1353-1335 BCE
      Death Mask of Tutankhamun, c. 1323 BCE

1. What shift in Egyptian history does the Palette of King Narmer represent?
2. What is a mastaba?
3. The earliest recorded name of an artist was an Egyptian architect. What was his name and what great building was he responsible for?
4. What does the Great Sphinx at Gizeh represent?
5. What physical characteristics makes the sculpture of the Seated Scribe from Saqqara different from traditional sculptures of kings and officials? Why is it acceptable for him to be shown this way?
6. What are 3 differences between the Stepped Pyramid of Djoser and a Mesopotamian ziggurat? Consider form, function, and location
7. How did tomb construction change in the Middle Kingdom?
8. What was unusual about Hatshepsut and the way she had herself depicted?
9. Why are animals shown more naturalistically in Egyptian art than humans are?
10. How did artistic conventions change during the Amarna period?
11. What does the absence of a ground line represent in the painting on the chest from the tomb of Tutankhamen?

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