The Roman Empire
Early Empire
Augustus Caesar
as General (Primaporta Augustus), early 1st century CE
Ara Pacis
Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace), c.13-9 BCE
Nimes, c. 16 BCE
(Flavian Amphitheatre), c. 70-80 CE
High Empire
Column of Trajan,
dedicated 112 CE
118-125 CE
Equestrian Statue
of Marcus Aurelius, c. 175 CE
Late Empire
Bust of Caracalla,
c. 211-117 BCE
The Four
Tetrarchs, c. 305 CE
Arch of
Constantine, 312-315 CE
Colossal Head of
Constantine, c. 315-330 CE
1. Who were the two legendary founders of Rome?
2. Which two cultures most strongly influenced the art of the
Roman Empire?
3. What technological advancement allowed the Romans to build
in a more innovative manner and on a grander scale (without the necessity for
internal support) than other ancient civilizations?
4. What is verism?
5. Augustus ‘found Rome a city of __________ and transformed it
into a city of __________.’
6. The Treasury of Atreus was the largest dome in the ancient
world for over a thousand years. Which dome of Roman construction finally
surpassed it?
7. Portraits of the Tetrarchs were very different from
portraits of leaders from the Early and High Empire. Describe the differences
and explain why this change occurred.
9. Which Roman emperor gave Christianity official status as a
state recognized religion?
The Vesuvian Sites
Pompeii and Herculaneum
Atrium, House of the Vetii, 2nd century BCE
Dionysiac Mystery
Frieze, Villa of the Mysteries, c. 60-50 BCE
1. What catastrophic event allowed the preservation of the
sites near the Bay of Naples, such as Pompeii and Herculaneum?
2. Describe each of the Four Styles of Roman painting (1-3
sentences for each style).
3. What is a still-life painting?
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